Australian Made Animal Supplements. It Matters.

Australian Made Animal Supplements. It Matters.

Australian Made Animal Supplements. It Matters.

Local matters. 

You’ve probably heard it before. Support local. Buy Australian. But have you ever wondered, why?

For us, as a family owned business operating out of the Illawarra in NSW, and manufacturing in the NSW Southern Highlands, it means you’re helping us drive local economies and create jobs for local people. 

We launched our business at a small scale here in the Illawarra, initially just wanting to make a difference to the health of horses in our own network. 

Now, we help thousands of horses across Australia and beyond, to enjoy the gift of true health that comes from good gut health. But we’re still locally owned and made. And still conscious of our local community and our potential for making a positive impact. 

Think small.

We’re a medium sized, family-run business with big ideas and big ambitions. 

To us, it’s the dream. Running a business which is close to our heart, with the people who mean most to us, and making lives better for animals all over Australia. 

Thank you for being here and supporting our small business.

Because when you buy from a small business, you make a big impact.